Indian Recruitment & Entrance Exams : EaseToLearn India

Every Year, India implements more than hundreds of Recruitment & Entrance Examination for Government Services, PSU sectors, Private Services, Colleges & the Higher Education degree like UPSC-CMS, FMGE, JEE MAIN, NEET PG, NEET UG, VITEEE, BITSAT, CDS, NDA, AFCAT, etc. 
These Recruitment & Entrance examinations are the pillars of our Education, Government Services, Private Services, etc. 
Every year, India recruits thousands of participants for work purposes into various sectors where their qualification is demonstrated by their education & ranking in a particular qualifying examination. 

To pass these examinations is a dream come true for many. Clearing any government exam would enable you to secure a good place in government premises. Every year, the number of applicants appearing for government exams is increasing gradually. 

What if we tell you that there are some ways & platforms where these government exams can be cracked easily? 

We'll describe you the work, the interface, and the platform designed by EaseToLearn-India to prepare any student for their recruitment & government examinations. 

Some major tips for your Government Exams 

Stay connected with the Syllabus 

As we know, the syllabus for these exams are quite vast, and a student needs to know the criteria, and exact core topics to bring out the best output. Have a good surety that you’ll down the extra information, and mainly focus on what is important 

High-Quality Learning Material

Preparation with the right study material for the Government Exams examination could be a little bit confusing, but with the help of our online expert assistance such as EaseToLearn-India, students can choose the right one. You can contact, and coordinate with your friends, family members who have attempted this examination before. One should always prepare study notes for any examination, solve previous year’s mock tests, and take assessments to improve their speed and accuracy.  

Create a Timetable

Maintaining a fixed timetable will help you to stay focused on your goal and achievement for your preparation. After finishing your 2-year syllabus of 10th & 12th, having a well-organized timetable will help you to create a simple database of topics and keywords within your mind. 


  • Create a physical timetable. Get a calendar and a diary
  • Don’t make long study hours. Create a less intense timetable.
  • Get enough sleep
  • Create your priorities

Prepare Notes For Your Learning

Preparing notes for any examination is always beneficial. Make a note of every minor topic, keyword, or subject. Share your notes with your friends, students and have remarks from your teachers.

Formative assessment for your preparation

  • Daily assessment on each topic or key concept
  • The feedback is used to identify gaps in knowledge or areas that are not adequately covered
  • Mainly a self-assessment where a student can fill the gaps & lags of their knowledge. 

EaseToLearn India for Government Entrance & Recruitment Exams 

The foundation of EaseToLearn India is based on a purpose to provide a standard of learning & assessment interface for the government examinations in India. We, here at ETL-India is ready to provide an online space for our users to learn, prepare, create assessments, prepare through mock tests which are specially made up for the Government Exams.

For students who want to achieve a standard of knowledge for their engineering & other government exams can learn through our website & can also create assessments known as FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS that will help in better understanding of sub-topics, topics or subjects. 

Sign-up free today & get your first free trial :


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